Family Health Ministries (FHM) is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to developing long-term relationships with underserved individuals, families and communities to help them help themselves in culturally-relevant ways.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday Update-We are busy!!!

Bon jou-I'm Dale Young, the guest blogger of the day. I'm on the trip with a group from Westminster Presbyterian in Greensboro, NC. This is my first trip to Haiti and I do not have a medical background but as I learned about this opportunity to serve others, I felt a strong calling to come here even prior to the earthquake.
We have a great group of folks who have quickly bonded and as a team. It is clear everyone on the mission team wants to help and word of the clinic is spreading in the village. Today has been our busiest morning of the week and as of 11:00 we have already seen 81 people.
Even without a medical background, there is so many opportunities to serve on this trip, I'm primarily fitting people for reading glasses and filling small plastic bags with vitamins, ibuprofen, etc. If you are considering the trip and do not have a medical background-please do not hesitate as there is plenty to do for everyone.
The people of Haiti are beautiful, they have been through so much but there is clearly a great deal of strength and love that is inspiring. I thought this trip would be a reality check, but truly underestimated how rewarding coming to Haiti would be. We have members on the team who have been here on many trips, including coming on short notice after the Earthquake. I can truly appreciate how Haiti gets in your heart and the desire to serve these wonderful people. I miss your family very much, but being here is truly an honor to be here with such a great team and to serve these wonderful people!

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