Family Health Ministries (FHM) is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to developing long-term relationships with underserved individuals, families and communities to help them help themselves in culturally-relevant ways.

Monday, October 25, 2010

"Health Cluster Meeting Leogane"

Today I called Napeau, Blanchard clinic administrator, to check on him, his family, the Blanchard staff and the Blanchard community. They have not had any cases of cholera reported at the clinic. The staff and their families are all well. I called and spoke with Sister Melicia and Sister Claudette in Fondwa and everyone is fine there. Tomorrow I will head up to Fondwa to visit with Sister Simone at the school. Here in Leogane no reported causes of cholera. There was a possible cause yesterday in Leogane but it turned out not to be cholera. Praise God.

I went to a health cluster meeting today held at Hospital St Croix. It was not as informative as I had hoped it would be but at least they are working on a plan. I am impressed with Dr Stephan, NPO/Health Cluster Coordinator, Leogane. He has sent out a lot information about cholera and doing a good job of keeping all the medical facilities and other organizations informed on what is happening. Today, when I went to make copies of a brochure about cholera he had sent out I saw people from other organizations doing the same. So information is getting out to the public which is always good.

Please continue to pray for the people of Haiti. Pray that this cholera out break will be stopped and the loss of lives will not increase. Pray for the public health workers, nurses, doctors and those carrying for the sick in St Marc. Thanking you in advance for all your prayers. Peace, Love and Joy. Missy

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