Family Health Ministries (FHM) is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to developing long-term relationships with underserved individuals, families and communities to help them help themselves in culturally-relevant ways.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Leogone adventures

I'm guest blogger, giving heroic Missy a break. The group started bright and early, in order to make it to Sunday services at Blanchard, where we were wowed by the electric guitar and amazing singing of the choir. This made it that much more difficult to wind our way to the front of the church, full of 1000 Haitians, to sing our hymn. Denise took the lead to keep up our tempo, but we didn't get much of the church to join in. They were so gracious.
We had a tour of P-A-P today including what's left of the Palace en route to Legone. It's relatively much quieter up here and the St Croix hospital where we're staying is just starting to be functional. After unloading and reloading all of the supplies we walked the 1/2 hour to clinic. There we were greeted by children running up with hugs and smiles. The group quickly dispersed to wash down tables, unload the pharmacy and cuddle some newborn kittens. Tomorrow is day one of clinic. Peace, love, joy and shout out to Will, Andrea

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey girl. Can't wait to have you back her with me tomorrow. I wish the best to the relief efforts and to all the good people of Haiti. Bon chance!