Family Health Ministries (FHM) is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to developing long-term relationships with underserved individuals, families and communities to help them help themselves in culturally-relevant ways.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Making a difference amid the destruction

The good news: Haiti is better off than I suspected.
The bad news: It's still bad.
I expected to see whole blocks leveled in Port au Prince and Leogane. News reports suggested tha, but I haven't found it. Most buildings remain standing, though many are clearly uninhabitable.
The cities look much like they had before the January earthquake, punctuated, of course, by remaining damage from the January earthquake - collapsed buildings that remain where they fell, piles of rubble and tent cities that have grown up on virtually every vacant piece of land, including stadiums, park areas and street mediums.
The Haitians are handling the quake's aftermath with their usual grace, dignity and good humor. They meet us with smiles and pleasant conversation.
Our Leogane medical clinic hasn't been as busy as we'd expected and hoped. That's perhaps a testiment to the attention the entire quake disaster area has attracted from medical groups. Another volunteer medical group has set up a quarter mile down the dirt lane from us, that group has another clinic elsewhere in town and the downtown hospital is also operating a clinic.
Today was busier then Monday and Tuesday. We saw about 100 patients. We treated diabetes, eye problems, rashes, cold symptions, sore muscles, small babies and a 100 year old woman.
We hope they left feeling better. They seemed thankful for the attention.
For my part, I feel lucky to be making a modest contribution in a land humbled by nature. The strength and resilience of the people we've met has been a powerful lesson.

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