Family Health Ministries (FHM) is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to developing long-term relationships with underserved individuals, families and communities to help them help themselves in culturally-relevant ways.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Welcome to the Oloffson Hotel, Port Au Prince, Haiti"

Yesterday, I had a busy day. I went to work at the clinic in the morning. Then I caught a ride with Dr, Merisier to Port Au Prince. I was dropped off at the Mega Mart Parking lot where I met up with Emile, who was waiting for me in the Family Health Ministries (FHM) van. I called Peterson, a Haitian artist, and asked him to meet me at Mega Mart so I could put the down payment on an order that FHM was placing with him. (By the way if you want to purchase some beautiful Christmas ornaments check out ). After Mega Mart, Emile and I headed off to buy filing cabinets for the Blanchard Cervical Cancer Clinic and for the Fondwa School. We got a great price $210 US dollars each (usually runs around $350). We loaded up our purchases and were off to the Oloffson Hotel where I was meeting a friend for lunch. Emile dropped me off at the Oloffson and he headed back to drop off the filing cabinets at the Blanchard Clinic. I had a wonderful lunch with Renate and Williams. When you get to Port Au Prince be sure to check out the Oloffson Hotel. It is just a lovely relaxing place. Sometimes you might even catch me waiting tables (especially if I have brought a large group to eat there.) Well, after a big day in the city I had to head home just let me say it was an adventure but thanks to God I arrived home safely. Peace, Love and Joy. Missy

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