Family Health Ministries (FHM) is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to developing long-term relationships with underserved individuals, families and communities to help them help themselves in culturally-relevant ways.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Update on Camp Adjacent to Matthew 25

Another update from guest blogger Janet.

Those of you who have visited Matthew 25 House since the earthquake will be interested to know the status of the soccer field camp adjacent to the guesthouse.

At the peak there were 2200 residents; now there are 711. Today, all received a donation from Food for the Poor of rice, oil, flour, packed by the now 11 workers employed by Matthew 25 to run the camp. At the peak there were 22 workers. The camp has composting toilets, their own water filtration sytem, and a school for 259 students.
The tents are definitely flapping in the wind, but in general, people are going about their days in a normal fashion, particularly now that it has stopped raining. School holidays were called nationally for Thursday and Friday of this week.

1 comment:

Food For The Poor said...


Thanks for mentioning Food For The Poor on your blog. Keep up the good work for Haiti!


FFP Web Specialist